Audrey Name Meaning

Gender: Female

Origin: English

Meaning: Noble Strength


1. Meaning of the name “Audrey”

People with this name tend to be idealistic, imaginative, intuitive and spiritual. They seek spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to look ahead and can inspire others. If they fail to fulfill their potential, they may become dreamers or abuse of power.

People with this name have a deep desire to serve mankind and devote themselves to others by sharing money, knowledge, and experience or creative and artistic ability.

2. Variation of the name “Audrey”


As a girl name derived from the Old English language, and the meaning of Audry is “noble power”. Audry is an alternative way of writing to Audrey (ancient English).


Processor status active or active: The device is not currently in operation. Something did or done; act; an action. An action that a person has a will and can be characterized by physical or mental activity.


They value truth, fairness, and discipline, and can quickly be impatient with those who don’t. Their practical nature makes them good at managing and saving money, and building everything in the physical world.

Because of their focus on order and reality, sometimes they seem too cautious and conservative. People with this name have a deep desire to serve mankind and devote themselves to others by sharing money, knowledge, and experience or creative and artistic ability.

3. Top 3 Famous Person Named Audrey

Audrey Hepburn:

Audrey Hepburn (/ ˈɔːdri ˈhɛpˌbɜːrn /; birth name Audrey Kathleen Ruston; May 4, 1929 – January 20, 1993) is an English actress. A symbol of film and fashion, Hepburn was active during Hollywood’s Golden Age.

She ranked third in the list of the greatest legends in the history of American cinema by the American Film Institute and was honored at Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Born in Ixelles, a county in Brussels, Hepburn grew up in Belgium, England, and the Netherlands, including the German-occupied Arnhem area during World War II, where she worked as a courier during the Dutch resistance war. Lan and support for fundraising.

Audrey Tautou:

Signed a contract with a management representative at the age of 17, she made her debut role at the age of 18 in a drama and starred in the first feature film next year, Venus Beauty Institute (1999), which She received critical acclaim and won the César Award for promising actress and her subsequent roles in the 1990s included Le Libertin and Happenstance (2000).

Audrey Meadows:

Audrey Meadows (born Audrey Cotter, February 8, 1922 – February 3, 1996) is an American actress famous for playing the dead housewife Alice Kramden in the American television comedy of the 1950s. She was the younger sister of Hollywood leading lady Jayne Meadows.

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