Madeline Name Meaning

Gender: Female

Origin: English

Meaning: Woman Of Magdala

1. Meaning of the name “Madeline”

The name Madeline is the name of a girl of English origin meaning “tall tower or woman from Magdala”.

Madeline has been found regularly in literature, from the poems of Keats and Tennyson to Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby to the charming and beloved children’s books of Ludwig Bemelmans with the participation of French schoolgirls.

This name can be found in several spellings, including French Madeleine and non-classical Madelyn and Madalyn. Never off the Social Security list, Madeline entered the Top 100 in 1994, peaking at Number 50 in 1998. It remains one of the most popular girls’ names starting with M.

2. Variation of the name “Madeline”


The name Madilyn is a girl’s name. Madelyn is the most popular, phonetically-clear spelling of the lovely and stylish French name. Madilyn edges it toward Marilyn, though that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Singers Madilyn Bailey and Madilyn Paige have helped put this spelling on the radar.


The Biblical baby name Magdalene is Aramaic in origin and its meaning is woman of Magdala, tower.


The name Madalyn is a girl’s name. Given the plethora of alternate spellings, we suggest you give this creative spelling a miss and instead consider the original French Madeleine or the generally accepted Madeline to prevent a lifetime of spelling-out and mistakes for your lovely girl.

3. Top 3 Famous Person Named Madeline

Madeline Damskey:

The Instagram star with photos of her fashion and daily life with friends and family attracted 310,000 of her followers. She has been recognized through her relationship with the YouTube sensation Darius Dobre.

Her first Instagram post was on February 3, 2012 and was a picture of ballet shoes. She is an avid dancer, and frequently shares photos and videos of her routine.

Madeline Phillips:

Social star best known for vlogs ranging from makeup tutorials to lifestyle videos on her madeline jean YouTube channel. She has accumulated over 170,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel.

Her first YouTube video to surpass 1 million views was the November 2017 video “FIRST TIME SEEING MY BOYFRIEND (CAUGHT ON CAMERA!) UNEDITED!!”

Madeline Carroll:

Carroll was born and raised in Los Angeles. Her mother is a housewife and her father is a contractor. She has three brothers: Ned, Jack and Dylan. She started modeling from the age of three.

At the age of four, she was discovered by stage representative ‘Wendy’ in a nail salon in Sherman Oaks. She began her career appearing in advertisements for companies such as Allstate, Chef Boyardee, Kmart, and Mr. Clean, Subway, Super 8 Motels and Target Corporation.

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Author: Wikitopx

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